If you're switching to Google Workspace but have been used to using Microsoft Outlook, don't hang your head. You can conveniently connect Google Workspace to your favorite Outlook using Google Workspace Sync for Microsoft Outlook (GWSMO) to sync your Google Workspace account with Outlook.

Setting up and installing GWSMO

-your administrator must allow you to install the tool in the admin console, you can then simply set up yourself
- you need Windows OS computer and the GWSMO application
- GWSMO is not supported for Apple Macs. Outlook for Mac does not support MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface), which GWSMO needs to communicate with Outlook.

First, you need to install GWSMO and sign in to your Google Account. For details, go to Download and install GWSMO.

You can then import your data from the following environments:

 - an existing Outlook profile

 - Microsoft Exchange profile (if you use Exchange).

 - a PST file containing the data exported from Outlook

There you go! After creating a Google Workspace profile in Microsoft Outlook, you can finally start using it.