A Google Workspace administrator can use groups to configure features and services for different groups users, such as:

 - Email everyone in a group with a single email address. Create a group

 - Meet people with similar hobbies, interests, or backgrounds. Join a group

 - Learn about a topic and join discussions. Read and create posts

 - Organize meetings, conferences, and events. Organize events
- Create a Collaborative Inbox and assign conversations to members for tracking. Track assignments

There are two versions of Groups:

the free version for everyone

- version for organizations - see Groups for Business (work, school, ..) 

The tasks you can do and features you can access depend on which version you have. If you're signed in with a work or school account, the tasks and features available to you are customized by your administrator.

If you have both versions, you might need to switch accounts to access the feature you want. Learn how to sign into multiple accounts at once.