The Revolgy FinOps offer provides tooling and reporting capabilities to help customers gain better visibility into their Public cloud usage and delivers proactive cost optimization.
FinOps Specialist
You get access to an expert who will provide ongoing cost management assistance for your Cloud accounts.
Cost Tagging
Help with define a tagging standard for your Cloud environment that allows you to assign costs to different business units and drive efficient usage behavior.
Budgets & Alerts
Establish budgets per account, service or cost center and receive alerts when costs deviate or budget is exceeded.
Spend reporting
Detailed reports coupled with a monthly touch point with FinOps Specialist to review actions, plans and progress and help coordinate cost optimisation objectives.
Committed use optimisation and management
Ensure GCP Committed Use Discounts are properly utilized. Your Revolgy FinOps Specialist will provide ongoing evaluation with conversion and new purchase recommendations reported monthly.
Cost optimisation
Good governance leads to good optimization. Idle, unused, misaligned and out-of-date resources on your account are identified and your Revolgy FinOps Specialist will work with you to remediate along with instance scheduling capabilities and storage lifecycle policy recommendations.